Speak at Email Innovations World 2024
The Future of Email Marketing Today

June 6-7, 2024
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown, AZ

Live – June 6-7, 2024

Speaker proposal deadline: November 21, 2023
Speakers will be notified by: January 31, 2024

Email Innovations World (previously The Email Innovations Summit) brings together the world’s leading email marketing innovators and brand marketers, showcasing the latest cutting edge techniques and methods to supercharge their email marketing results, from acquisition to email design and strategy.

Do you have a success story about innovating in the email marketing channel? Do you have a case study featuring breakthrough results achieved by integrating new techniques or technologies? Have you developed new methods of acquisition?

Submit one or more session ideas for consideration. Speakers are responsible for their own travel and accommodation charges.

Apply to Speak

The Call for Speakers is officially closed but we are happy to consider your submission in case of program changes.

After the official Call for Speaker deadline, we no longer send feedback. We will contact you if a (backup) speaker slot becomes available.–>

Hints & Tips for Writing Your Abstract

Imagine yourself an attendee sitting in the audience when you give your presentation. What would you like to hear (or not)? What would make a positive impression and make you feel your time well-spent? Consider those questions carefully when you write your abstract.

For starters two quick rules: Don’t be commercial, and don’t overuse buzzwords. Both will lessen your chances of being accepted.

Say enough, but don’t say too much. One sentence – or a list of bullets – is definitely not enough. More than 100 words is usually too much. Express your message fully but succinctly.

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