Are We Witnessing Another Change of the Guard?
Thursday June 17, 2021
12:15 pm
For the last 10 years Marketing Clouds have dominated the ESP landscape; before they came along the MSPs were the dominant players. With the rise of the “next gen” ESPs and the tremendous interest they have generated in the marketplace, are we beginning to see the email vendor landscape undergo another massive transformation with a shakeup of the key players? Or is the interest in “next gen” platforms just a phase?
Join us as we look at the roots of the first massive shift to see if there are parallels to what is happening today. And if there is going to be a re-ordering of the vendor landscape, who are going to be the winners and who might be the losers. Bronto customers, this will be especially informative for you, as you face your platform’s ‘end of life’ in less than a year.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn how priorities are changing and what innovations you should be looking for in your next vendor.
- Understand why other organizations are starting RFPs or otherwise evaluating their vendors, and why you should too.
- Get a handle on the key drivers you should be looking at for vendor selection in 2021 and beyond
- Find out how to define a “next gen” ESP and whether or not this category is right for you.