
Reed Freeman

Artificial Intelligence: The Emerging Regulatory Environment in the United States and What It Means for Email Marketers


Friday June 7, 2024


8:40 am


Camelback A+B


 [This text was written by a human]  AI is sweeping across continents and industries at breathtaking speed.  It promises vastly improved productivity and efficiency for everything from note-taking and customer service, to business communications, to advertising and marketing.  In email, AI is now being used to draft subject lines and email copy, to create appealing images to improve open rates and drive better engagement, and to automate segmentation and analytics.  Yet AI has known problems:  it is under attack for its enablement and perpetuation of bias, for safety, privacy and data security threats, for intellectual property concerns, and for harms caused by scams, or even to democracy itself, from the proliferation of deepfakes.  Legislators and regulators are rushing to do what many feel they failed to do with the internet a generation ago – to put up meaningful guardrails for this new technology, without diluting its promise.  What does the future look like for the regulation of artificial intelligence in the United States,?  How does that compare to developing regulation in other major economies?  This keynote session, by ESPC Outside Counsel and ArentFox Schiff Partner, D. Reed Freeman Jr., will explore those issues and more.

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