Beyond the Inbox: Optimizing Between the Click and Conversion
Wednesday June 19, 2019
10:30 am
Augustus I
Beyond a few developments such as optimizing for mobile, the role of email marketers has changed surprisingly little in the last 20 years. And so in a marketing future driven by AI/machine learning, data, trust and a significant focus on retention and customer experience – is it time for email marketers to rethink and potentially expand the purview of email marketing to extend well beyond the inbox?
In this session, Loren McDonald will explore, espouse and ask email marketers to think outside of the (in)box, including to:
- Understand the customer journey on your website, mobile app, call center
- Uncover customer struggles and success points on the web that hinder or help email success
- Develop new or expanded success metrics focused on retention, customer experience, brand loyalty and consumer trust.