
John Thies

Maximize Engagement and Conversions With 6 Human Behavior Hacks


Wednesday June 3, 2020


1:20 pm


To say that inboxes are overcrowded is an understatement. The sheer amount of content created on the internet every day is staggering. Not to mention, consumers attention spans are shrinking. Yes, yours is too! So how can you possibly get noticed in the crowded marketing landscape? Attend this session to learn 6 human behavior hacks that will help your brand increase engagement and conversions.

After this presentation you will have the following key actionable takeaways:

  • Understanding of how humans process information and the behaviors we perform every day without any conscious thought
  • Methods to tap into your customers subconscious thinking to encourage the intended response or outcome
  • How simple adjustments to the display of a price for a product or service can drastically improve conversion rates

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