Sponsored Session - Cooking up a Strong Data Foundation for Your AI-powered Marketing Program


Friday June 7, 2024


9:25 am


Camelback A+B


Advertisers are leaning into artificial intelligence to power their marketing programs, and for good reason. From personalization to actionable insights and streamlining operations, the potential of AI is off the charts. However, bad data can threaten to sink the whole ship. As a chef relies on quality ingredients to craft a delectable dish, AI systems depend on high-quality data to yield meaningful insights and precise predictions. Data serves as the culinary cornerstone of AI, akin to the essential fuel that propels a vehicle forward on its journey. In the bustling kitchen of marketing, prioritizing the diner’s palate is paramount for achieving savory success. Understanding your audience—is crucial as marketers aim to concoct savvy, data-driven strategies that tantalize taste buds and move the needle. This session will delve into how you can obtain and maintain clean data to ensure you get the most out of your AI.

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