Stopping Fraud in its Tracks with Email Address Intelligence


Tuesday June 20, 2023


11:35 am


Summerlin D


An email address is the crux of a cashless society. Emails are used when opening bank accounts, completing credit card applications, creating social media handles and developing profiles to make online purchases. Since the pandemic, digital transactions have increased exponentially leaving organizations vulnerable to fraudulent activity. With many organizations requiring an email address in order to complete any digital transaction, implementing a fraud prevention plan that examines the historical data attached to this key identifier helps prevent fraud at the point of entry. This can lead to a greater ability to acquire new customers while also effectively managing risk in the future.

We will focus on: 

  • The current cashless landscape and where it’s headed
  • How an email address is the foundation of cashless transactions
  • Sustaining continued growth in a thriving cashless ecosystem 

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