Audience Management Case Study: How we helped one business re-engage 29% of their inactive Email subscribers in time for the Holiday Season
Thursday June 17, 2021
9:55 am
The oft repeated sporting mantra that “a good big boxer will always beat a good small boxer” is also true for marketing, all things being equal the bigger the audience the better the results. This is particularly true of your Email Active File. Engaged customers spend 2.5 – 7 times more than disengaged.
Even in normal times the Holiday Season can be make or break time for many businesses – never more so than this year. With just over 90 days to go Alchemy Worx CIO and Industry Veteran Dela Quist will share how they used Audience Management Techniques to help one business reactivate over. Growing the active file by an amazing 69%, just in time for the holiday season!