Roundtables - Part 1


Thursday June 6, 2024


11:50 am


Camelback A+B


Discuss topics close to your heart with your peers in a small group. Topics and discussion hosts for this roundtable session:

  1. Email Marketing Priorities – hosted by Chad S. White, Head of Research, Oracle Digital Experience Agency
  2. Relationship in Email Marketing – hosted by Michele Fitzpatrick, VP of Strategy, Marigold (Diamond Sponsor)
  3. Immersive Emails – hosted by Mark Morin, CXO,
  4. 35 Great Ideas in 35 minutes – hosted by Jeanne Jennings, Founder & CEO, Email Optimization Shop
  5. AI Show Case DesignPickle – hosted by Russ Perry, CEO & Founder
  6. AI Show Case Backstroke – hosted by R. J. Talyor, Founder & CEO
  7. AI Show Case Intellivizz – hosted by Nakul Mehra, Director
  8. AI Show Case Kuverto – hosted by Guy Nagar, CEO & Founder
  9. AI Show Case Stripo – hosted by Dmytro Kudrenko, Founder & CEO
  10. Using AI to deliver personalized journeys – hosted by Bob Sybydlo, Sr. Director Marketing Technology and Transformation, Enverta Digital (Platinum Sponsor)

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